
Alkimos Station Concept Design

Alkimos Station Concept Design

Alkimos Station Concept Design

Gresley Abas was engaged by the Public Transport Authority (PTA) to produce a concept design for a new integrated train station at Alkimos, located within the future town centre.

This train station concept design report formed a part of the PTA’s master planning of the northern rail extension to Yanchep.

With our consultant team, we developed the concept design component of the study, including a design of the station, bus facilities, parking and access. The scheme was used to provide the basis for cost estimates.

Gresley Abas were subsequently engaged to liaise with the developer of the town site (Landcorp in association with Lend Lease) and the PTA to establish an approach that both satisfied the transport requirements of the site and the development integration potential.

The objectives of the two parties were often at odds however we successfully managed to produce an integrated urban design outcome that met the brief of the PTA and integrated successfully with the early planning of the town centre.

Alkimos, Whadjuk Country, WA

Public Transport Authority