
Jonanthan lake

Our People

Jonathan Lake

Director, Design leader, Perth 

As a practicing architect of 28 years, Jonathan has extensive experience across all scales and sectors. Throughout his career, he has earned recognition as a leader in the field of Design. Jonathan is dedicated to crafting compelling, innovative, sustainable designs that uplift individuals and spaces. To achieve this, Jonathan has developed a research-based collaborative approach to design where solutions are developed in partnership with clients.

Jonathan's commitment to Housing for All aligns with Gresley Abas's commitment to fostering a built environment that supports well-being, social responsibility, and sustainability. As an active participant in the broader discourse surrounding homelessness and innovative remedies for Australia's housing predicament, Jonathan is a member of the Housing First Homelessness Advisory Group established by the Department of Communities. Jonathan was also recently appointed to the WA Management Committee for Housing All Australians.

As a Green Star® Accredited Professional, Jonathan frames his design leadership with his advanced knowledge and experience in climate-positive design strategy to enhance the outcomes for clients, the community, and the planet.